Monday, August 29, 2011

We the People have allowed right wing media free rein

We the People have become so complacent that our judgement has been clouded and overrun by right wing radio and tv wingnuts to conquer the political conversation. Big mouths like Limbaugh and Hannity have polluted the airwaves for so long they sound believable to the teacrappers and fostered a new breed of #GOP. It's about time We the People stand and deliver. No wonder Washington is broken. Its not broken, its corrupt and psychologically twisted to the point that our great Republic is on the wrong tract. Somebody somewhere with a voice, needs to fight and fight hard. Where's our heroes our Edward R. Murrow's or our Walter Cronkites'. Please voice your opinion anywhere you can. Show your curiosity for the lies and untruths that are spoken everyday. Do not let them win......

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I was just pondering the future; for our kids and grand kids. New words have appeared the last couple of decades; fear; terrorism; defcon 1; troublesome words that make life much more stressful than necessary. We have to teach our kids/grand kids/; that fear is no way to live. Simpler times are gone for now, but they can return and we need to lead, not hide. The world is smaller now, and technology has its good and its bad; news around the world is like instant coffee; taste bad and makes you nervous. Let's try and make it a better place; talk about the good times; about the ways we can change the world. Only we as human beings can change lives; not guns, bombs, or governments

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ann Coulter is more disgusting than Rush Limbaugh

Ann Coulter never seems to amaze me in her interviews on TV. She knows exactly what the republican base and teagaggers want to hear. Her devilish style is pre-determined and concise. She spews out lies and innuendos about any democrat she can and her followers, all 3 of them have an orgasmic experience. Ann, get a real job and a new hair do honey, you're looking old.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

30 years of economic decline not 3 years

The American people understand that our economy has been in decline for the last 30 years, not the last 3 years as Republicans like to announce. Ever since Reagan's "trickle down" theory was created, we have been spiraling out of control. The weak Democratic talking points don't impress anybody, even their base and especially the independents. What has to happen is control, seamless cooperation between  both parties or we will see the same decline after the 2012 elections. It is beyond one man's or woman's ability to change or fix our system. It has to be all of us. Somehow, someway, we need to come together. Will you cooperate?

Friday, August 19, 2011


President Obama was elected by  majority vote of the people yet, he has not been able to walk in the White House door in a comfortable suit. Those that hate him are throwing trash or lies or ugly rumors at him 24/7. Why? It can't be just the "racist" card could it? The unamericans I call them, who don't give a damn about the constitution as they say they do. It's all bullshit and the only way to distract from their feeble one liners on cutting taxes, cut spending (except in my district).

We're in Trouble; Yosemite Sam or Annie Oakley for President

Rick Perry is being compared to Yosemite Sam "a dynamic, short tempered opponent of Bugs Bunny. Michelle Bachmann says by her words she is an "hombre-ette". When did our politics attract "crazies"..We're talking about the position of President as the most powerful person on the Planet; do we want either of these idiots with there finger on the button. It's embarrassing to our "Fore Father" I'm  sure. The American voter is so confused and outright disappointed in all the candidates that they have retreated out of the political spectrum. Meanwhile our economy and the worlds economy crumbles into the abyss.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I'm sick and tired of the hypocrisy of the Republican party jumping on President O'Bama for anything they can. The latest is about his vacation. Although Congress is on vacation at the same time. When will he get a break...NEVER. They hate him, they hate what he stands for and today Tom  Coburn went over the edge about an African-American male getting advantages from government programs and it hurts America...Asshole!


Two guys sitting around a campfire in Kabul, Afganistan.."hey lets kill David Letterman"...yea lets do it..allah ahkbar....Someone should tell Letterman to go Afganistan and call these guys out. Why would this be a story, is it a slow day in the news. And, take Paul Shafer with you because he's a scary guy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Rick "the prick" Perry would be assassinated if elected President. A left wing extremist would lay him down ugly in his home state of Texas. They are just waiting on him; and his words will bring him down. This guy is a full blown hypocrite, liar and all out redneck jerk. And I like rednecks. The actor Josh Brolin will have a new movie to work on if "the prick" is elected. As a matter of justice I shall only call him "the prick" from here on out.

Monday, August 15, 2011


People of the world, do we REALLY want another George Bush. How shallow your memories are, how inefficient your brain is. Have we contracted Alzheimer disease. The candidates on the GOP side haven't shown anything amazing that I can see, nor will they. It was only a decade ago that we realized who we had elected (twice) and you see the results, "debtageddon, paralysis, partisan politics, all hell breaks loose" tomfoolery. My senses tell me we are headed their again unless Obama picks up the pace and defends himself. If he thought the attacks were harsh now, just wait a few months when the shit hits the fan and its all out war. I can't stand the fact that we are so dumb, so poorly prepared or we just don't give a damn anymore. Washington has become the Barnum & Baily of politics.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Battle for Blair Mountain, Mountain Top Mining

If you didn't see CNN's Soledad O'Brien's documentary on coal mountain top mining you missed a great piece. She showed both sides of the issue reverently and with grace and compassion. It's a do or die situation and one that has been around for 100 years. Until we find an alternate source of energy and can turn our furnaces on or the light switch, you want the miners to risk their lives, you want them to stand on the wall, you need them to stand on the wall.

Ramadan, the Holy Month

When will the next generation of Mideastern people stop hating America. If they would use that energy to make peace, the world would be a better place. Americans have to stop hating also. It seems we don't understand them nor do they understand us. The lies and untruths about the western culture comes from years of schooling their young adults to believe we are evil and they are the chosen ones. Do they really think this is God(Allah)'s plan. I do not know God in that way. Its time to sit at the table of history and listen to each other. Make an attempt to understand and to care about each other. Change is good, change is what God wants...ask him.


A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. The Founding Fathers were liberals. Reagan raised taxes eleven times. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor. Nixon created the EPA. Reagan supported gun control. The Constitution is the law, Not the Bible. The Founding Fathers did not free the slaves. The Earth is 4.54 billion years old, not 6,000.  Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it's called the First Amendment.


In an interview with Candy Crowley of CNN this morning, Michelle Bachmann, never answered any questions with a direct, honest answer. In 30 seconds she dropped the name Reagan ; for the base, Pelosi for the anti-government crowd; and Obama for the independents. It was so disappointing to see Ed Henry's hand up her ass pulling the strings, although typical Republican strategy. Why should we believe any thing this "no way she'll win the election in '12" candidate.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Ever since popular culture has allowed these two personalities to enter our everyday lives, average Americans have heard twisted comments and outright lies on a daily basis.  We got little facts allowed and heavy spin on controversial issues. Americans would be better off reading the "National Enquirer" and looking at pictures of three headed men attacking the neighborhood.   The term "Great American" used by Hannity is a disgrace to our great Republic, and Limbaugh's "ditto heads" can't seem to think for themselves. The downgrade of politics and civic duty has been destroyed by these two individuals compared to the devastation of the bomb in Hiroshima.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Less than a month from now we will celebrate (sic) the 10 year anniversary of one of the worst days in American history. My only question is; should we have learned something about ourselves in the last decade. It appears that we haven't. We are as unstable now in the political arena as we were on that disgusting fateful day. I think about those poor Americans struggling to breath with grey dust on their faces and in their mouths  that day and the chaos that ensued, as they wander the streets of New York looking for help. Today's legislative puppets have that same look in their eyes; total confusion.

Republicans will never give in

This crop of young idealogues will never give in. They seem to feel the need to stand the post and defend the wall. The word compromise is not in their vocabulary nor will it ever be until they themselves walk in the shoes of middle Americans. This insane attempt to make a name for themselves is hard to understand, given the fact that most Americans can't for the life of them realize what's next. Sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming when I hear them say the things they do on the pundit shows. Especially the right wing media outlets that know that they are driving the liberal wing crazy also.
If you think this is going to stop anytime soon, you don't understand their precise sentences that they receive in lock step from their wealthy lobbyists who have infiltrated our political system like bees in a honeycomb. It is dangerous times for our great Republic and we have no hero leaders to set things right. The great orators, of which our current President can match, would have jumped down their throats already. Obama does not have the balls to fight; not as I can see.

UK is civilized

WTF Europe and the UK. You guys are supposed to be the civilized culture. We are supposed to learn from your 1000 years of history on this planet. What's going on over there. 



"Super committee" is it constitutional

This new "Super committee" appears to be set. Did the American people have any say in this announcement. Hell no and I for one don't like it one bit. I think that our congressional members have given up and just don't want to handle the unruly kids anymore. If they can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Remember these days my friends when you go vote the next time. Please be careful who you seat in the drivers chair.

The World Is On Fire

The World is on fire. There's not enough "MONEY" to go around..I miss simpler times when you only worried about what your community wanted..its hopes and dreams...hell we used to worry about getting a new pair of jeans or maybe a used entire countries are broke and there's total chaos..obviously politics has become a bad word.,
but what is the alternative..anarchy, no..governing is what built this country, but personal gain and re-election has taken over for what once was "civic duty". Step back and look for calm quiet debate. This is still the greatest country on earth...we are survivors and we will prevail.