Friday, January 11, 2013

Letter to Senator Robert C. Byrd 2005

                         City of Weston                       
102 W. Second Street
Weston, WV 26452
(304) 269-6141 – Fax: (304) 269-7842

Jon J. Tucci, Mayor

Vicki McCall, Interim City Manager                                                                                        City Council
Rebecca Pickens, City Clerk
Roger D. Clem, Jr., Chief of Police                                                                                         Richard (Dick) John, Ward I
Michael S. Young, Fire Chief                                                                                                  Lou Ella Clem, Ward II
Robert A. (Bob) Atchison, Street Commissioner                                                                       Betty Jo Brooks, Ward III
Tracey Weber III, Special Counsel                                                                                           Charles Hathaway, Ward IV

June 1, 2005

The Honorable Senator Robert C. Byrd
311 Hart Building
Washington, D. C. 20510

Dear Senator Byrd:

          It is with great pleasure and pride that I can communicate with you by this letter on this fine sunny afternoon. I am sitting at my desk here at City Hall and looking out the window at the “Grand Ole Dame”; (Old Weston State Hospital) and reflect on my youth some fifty years ago when the community had a circle of strength around the grounds of the Hospital. When some eight hundred employees and over two thousand patients, nee’ clients, walked and hustled about the majestic and well groomed gardens and flowers that graced the properties surrounding her. There were large trucks delivering supplies and people stopping to look at the largest hand cut stone building in North America.  

The French novelist Anatole France, who died in 1924, said “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another”. When I read this I became perplexed over the condition our City has fallen into my dear Senator. I want to reach up and grab the clouds and wash away the years of neglect and abuse of our streets and bridges. I pray for answers as our town deteriorates right in front of my own eyes. Our primary roadway (U.S. Rt. 19), is being bludgeoned by the mighty West Fork of the Monongahela river and shall soon fall into the waters in an area we call the narrows; ¼ mile south of main street.


Our school buses carrying our beloved school children must travel this primary route everyday, and I know in my heart that there will be a disastrous accident there some day. You can view the substrata from across the river and see where the river is cutting out a large hole underneath the roadway. The West Second street bridge and the Fourth street bridge are losing there concrete abutments to the waters of the West Fork also. I pray for relief everyday that we don’t lose people in passenger cars crossing these bridges.

          The Almighty gave me a second chance in my re-election to solve these problems, but, I find no relief in prayer. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the English Poet once wrote, “God’s gifts put man’s best dreams to shame.” I read this passage over and over again and find that I must solve these problems and perform my duty as the people have elected me to do. But, I need help, and I know no other person on this earth that can help other than you, Senator. I am not ashamed to grovel or plea for your guidance and strength and will continue to admire you and your wealth of knowledge. I will fight that battle everyday to assure our people that we can have better schools, roads and bridges, better sanitary conditions and better jobs. In fact, we must demand it, and not take it for granted. As in the Preamble of the Constitution we must “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”

          Please come and visit our City in need Senator and I will show you what I have tried to portray to you. With God’s grace and blessings I beseech you.


Mayor Jon J. Tucci 

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