Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Webster's defines 'miracle' as: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs, alas the changing of a Nation. The devastation and mind boggling aftermath of the murder of little children and heroic adults in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday can only be thought of as a violent nightmare that will go down in our Nation's history. The sacrifice those parents made and are making should not go unnoticed, nor will it. 
We as a Nation of God fearing people, (most of us anyway) have been changed forever. We will never understand the evil that lurks in mentally complex  individuals or even sane people who could spray bullets into our loved ones, especially 6 and 7 year old "Angels". 
I must admit I think it's a "miracle", I really do. Only our divine Holy Father would take those "little Angels" so early in life for a purpose. I must come to this conclusion, because we need closure, and that is my way of understanding this atrocious act. It's only for my reasons and you can agree or disagree. 
I want change, you want change, we all want change, and our President made that statement in one of his best speeches of his tenure as our Commander in Chief. I will always think of "Newtown" as a "Miracle"

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