Saturday, December 22, 2012

5 ways to gun safety

When you think of ways to keep your kids safe, you never really think that some crazy idiot or mentally challenged young adult is going to mow them down with his mother's assault weapon. For the next few decades we will be trying to resolve the terrible tragedies that have been placed on our TV screens for all to witness for the ages. Therefore, we are as a nation supposedly civilized, in a position to either except it or fix it.
It seems that money is more important than our lives and our politicians like money more that us, they will never or probably never come up with legislation to stop or at least reduce these evil incidents.
So, what do we do in the meantime, sit idly by or rack our brains for solutions or remedies.

5 Ways to Gun Safety

1. Mandatory vaults or safes for home use that can be unlocked by the owner in a matter of minutes in case of home invasion. By key or silent code, or red beam attached to a chain of keys.
2. New gun laws demanding annual testing by a questionnaire just like your drivers test, to show stability or the ability to safely own guns.
3. Fingerprint pistol triggers, *we already have the technology* so that only the owner can fire the weapon.
4. Mandatory testing forms or application for all gun sales shops with stricter regulations. If you're going to sell it know who you're selling it to.
5. Stop the parking lot gun shows in rural America. The 1st defense against illegal gun sales.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Webster's defines 'miracle' as: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs, alas the changing of a Nation. The devastation and mind boggling aftermath of the murder of little children and heroic adults in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday can only be thought of as a violent nightmare that will go down in our Nation's history. The sacrifice those parents made and are making should not go unnoticed, nor will it. 
We as a Nation of God fearing people, (most of us anyway) have been changed forever. We will never understand the evil that lurks in mentally complex  individuals or even sane people who could spray bullets into our loved ones, especially 6 and 7 year old "Angels". 
I must admit I think it's a "miracle", I really do. Only our divine Holy Father would take those "little Angels" so early in life for a purpose. I must come to this conclusion, because we need closure, and that is my way of understanding this atrocious act. It's only for my reasons and you can agree or disagree. 
I want change, you want change, we all want change, and our President made that statement in one of his best speeches of his tenure as our Commander in Chief. I will always think of "Newtown" as a "Miracle"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Lies GOP say about Affordable Care Act

The Lies GOP say about Affordable Care Act (OBAMACARE) reprinted facts by Beth Howard

1 The new law will drive up premiums astronomically. That’s an unlikely scenario. “A significant number of the uninsured people who will be brought into the system with the ACA are the ‘young invincibles,’” says Shannon Brownlee, acting director of Health Policy at the New America Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank, describing the 18-through-29 age group. “Their relative good health helps to subsidize care for less healthy people.”
The law also strengthens states’ power to question unreasonable rate increases, whether because of age, preexisting conditions or any other reason. And the law’s “medical loss ratio requirement” dictates that 80 to 85 percent of premiums be spent on medical costs. As of August 1, approximately 12.8 million Americans received an estimated $1.1 billion in rebates from insurance companies in cases where overhead expenses exceeded 15 to 20 percent of premiums charged in 2011.

2 The ACA basically turns our health care system into universal health care. So now some government bureaucrat will decide how and when I get treated. Health care under the ACA will not be government run. “The law builds on and strengthens the existing private insurance system,” says Sara R. Collins, Ph.D., vice president of the Commonwealth Fund, a private research foundation focused on health care. “Fifty to 60 percent of people will continue to get insurance through an employer, and people who are buying their own insurance will still buy private health plans. The choice of plan is not dictated, and you’ll be able to choose the provider you want—no government bureaucrat involved.”
The health care system envisioned by the law aims to be universal in one way: by making health insurance accessible to the vast majority of Americans. “That’s a good thing,” says Brownlee. “We’ll have more people covered.”

3 I’ll have to wait longer to see my doctor—or I won’t be able to see my doctor at all.“If your current plan allows you to see any physician in the plan, nothing will change,” says Lavarreda. Health plans are already building bigger networks in anticipation of new patients, so choices could be even greater.
Although the law doesn’t specifically address wait times, many of its provisions are aimed at improving quality of care. In particular, it encourages more physicians to become primary care doctors, provides a larger role for nurse practitioners and increases funding for community health clinics.

4 If my state doesn’t set up an insurance exchange, I can’t get health coverage.The ACA calls for each state to create an exchange, a marketplace of private health insurance companies. This will give individuals and small businesses a place to shop for affordable coverage, with subsidies provided, starting in 2014. But some states have declined to set up an exchange or have moved slowly. “If a state hasn’t done it, then the Department of Health and Human Services will set up an exchange in that state,” says Collins. “Each state will have an exchange operated by either the state or the federal government. And tax credits will be available in your state, regardless of who is running it.”

5 If I can’t afford to buy health insurance, I’ll be taxed—or worse.If you can’t afford health insurance because of financial hardship (if the cheapest plan exceeds 8 percent of your income), you w ill be exempt from the tax penalty. Special taxes (from $95 the first year to $695 a year by 2017) will be phased in over the next seven years for those who choose to forgo coverage. Even then, the government will not criminally prosecute or place property liens on people who ignore the tax. At worst, the IRS may withhold the tax amount from individuals’ tax refunds.

6 I’m a small-business owner and I’ll pay big fines if I don’t provide health insurance to my employees. “Penalties for not providing health coverage apply only to companies with 50 or more workers,” says Collins. In fact, many small companies will be eligible for tax credits to offset the burden of providing insurance. From now through 2013, eligible employers will receive a business credit for up to 35 percent of their contribution toward employees’ premiums. For 2014 and beyond, the tax credit rises to as much as 50 percent of the contribution. These credits apply to companies with fewer than 25 full-time employees whose average annual salaries are less than $50,000. Companies with more than 50 workers that don’t provide coverage will be subject to a fine of $2,000 to $3,000 per employee per year.

7 The law is going to bankrupt America.Not according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the independent and nonpartisan budget scorekeeper. The CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimate that health reform will reduce the nation’s deficit by $210 billion between 2012 and 2021, by such means as delivery-system reforms and crackdowns on waste and fraud. “If we don’t get health care spending under control, that’s going to bankrupt America,” says Brownlee.

Monday, April 9, 2012


SICK AND TIRED OF "POLITICS"-I am. In the grand scheme of all things, days gone by are just that, days gone by. I saw a streaming photo display of 1950's and 60's appliances, small screen black & white TV's, metal food trays for the new and amazing "microwave", a food processor or blender, metal ice cube trays with "fast release handle"; simply amazing technology. Wow, in just a few decades, we've gone from small time invention to globalization. In the meantime, we've created a lazy "I don't want to be creative society" that is hell bent on becoming burned out spectators of the human evolution.

We are children of the greatest industrial revolution on earth the last 120 years and yet it seems we are sitting on the back of the bus waiting for the next tech toy we can buy on credit to amaze us and be used to communicate with our favorite girlfriend or boyfriend in various sexual overtures. WE DON'T MAKE ANYTHING OF VALUE ANYMORE! What happened to the invention of new ways to better our lives, our souls and the development of family. We can't wait to get some where faster, easier, and with the least effort. We don't talk anymore, have family dinners, walks along the fence lines, or even look at Nana or Papa's old photos. We are numb to human interaction, the feeling of warmth from a simple smile or handshake. The feeling that you are needed by others and that others need you.

The videos of two second global news of the latest bomb blasts or the shooting of innocent children has become as thin as paper in our thought pattern. WE JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE. Unless its on your street or near your home, it's not happening.


Sunday, April 8, 2012


America has Cancer- It's called "POLITICS" Today's version of the political soundbite is either "A" a lie, or "B" twisted facts. I still say that television producers would increase their ratings if they drew a small red box on the bottom right corner of the screen, that simply said (after a political soundbite) "fact" or "fiction". I've been spewing this for months, and no one seems to care or they like the controversy they create by having the left and the right side views shouting over top of each other about the latest "hot" topic of the week. Integrity be damned, we're going with our leadership talking points, and that's our story and we're sticking with it. The American public, specifically the general voter, doesn't stand a chance of understanding what they are really voting for, unless you are a complete junkie and have access to pre-described legislation to be enacted. However, the tone of Washington is dramatic idealism and damn if we care what the public thinks. Roll over in your graves grand forefathers, you deserve it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

OBAMA and the big surprise video

Tonight on Hannity at 9pm Andrew Breitbart (post mortem) fans skull up 20 year old videos of then Harvard college student Barack Obama. They are trying to relive the lies and bullshit about our President's friendship with former terrorist Bill Ayers and academics at Harvard gathering to take over the world through wild scenarios about mind control and leftist ideology. This same crap was used several years ago by Matt Drudge, who now dead Breitbart used to work for. What will they resort to next?  The right is playing to the fears of uneducated voters, and there are plenty of those, and trying to kick start a fantasy to scare voters in the next election. They know that our President is hands down, smarter and a better leader than they want to admit. It shows signs of weakness on the GOP's behalf and really lowers the bar for so called "journalism".

Saturday, February 4, 2012


January has come and gone and what did we learn about the state of our Nation. Its going to be a long year and more surprises are coming. The GOP's field of candidates, still flushing out the pretenders and cutting down the odds of a two man race, shows little promise of solving the debt crisis or helping create jobs. The American middle class has to rely on themselves and family and hopefully friends or acquaintances to make it through the rest of the year. Those of us who have jobs are the lucky ones if you want to say that. Those who don't are struggling to make ends meet and praying for a miracle. This Presidential election will either show our true grit or maybe our wisdom, whichever, or how it turns out. The GOP has basically laid the win out for re-election of Obama by their incompetence and out of touch reality. Masters Romney and Gingrich look like fools on any given day and retire the notion its "the grand old party", because its not, not anymore.