Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mr. President: The Ship of State will never Change

Washington has always and will always be the junction of indecision and difference of opinion; that's why we call them "politicians". Mr. President, the Ship of State will never change, so just grab the helm and steer on. The members of the right side are never going to allow you a victory on legislation, or improvements or any programs you feel that the American people need or want. The GOP has ramped up its voter fraud scams from old, (they've done that for years) to build support for their agenda. Your recent tour of the U. S. and your change of pace and fortitude within you speech delivery is the change we hoped for.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The definition of hypocrisy: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion  Just ask yourself, if Senator Mitch McConnell asks and receives federal dollars for his home state; and then says you or your state can't have any, what is that? Hypocrisy. If Rep. Eric Cantor asks for federal dollars for disaster relief for his state and says that your state can't have any, what is that? Hypocrisy. It doesn't take a genius to understand what the GOP is doing, it only takes the message. Obama needs to attack the hypocrisy and so do all Democrats.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The GOP is in panic mode; they know they can't beat Obama

The GOP is in panic mode alright. They know they can't beat Obama straight up. They have to stand in the sand at their line and say no to everything his administration is forwarding. They are trying desperately to change the electoral map to help them control the inner cities' voters. Their candidates are mediocre at best and they don't have Palin anymore. Her numbers are lower than Congress. Maybe just maybe the Democrats will grow a spine and call out this game. The American people have figured it out, lets hope Democrat legislatures do.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Its time to scream call harass House GOP

Its time to call your congressmen and women and raise hell. Tell them you want the GOP to stop the talking points and trying to score political points and work with the President to fix the damn things that need fixed. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and I know the rest of you are also. Business has no real excuse to sit on their investment dollars except that most of them are Republicans and do not want the President to win or create policy that might let him look good until 2012. Remember when you go to the polls and understand who got us into this mess the last decade. Remember the GOP saying "hey, ok we made mistakes, give us a second chance" and we dumb asses believed them and put them back in power in the House.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The Republican plan for making President Obama a "one term President" is working to perfection. Obama can't or won't be allowed to pass any idea or form any large scale plans his administration wants to become law. The GOP's ads and sound bite minutes are convincing the American voters that Obama's ideas haven't worked. The truth is "they won't ever let it". If you can't pass the House, it won't fly and it's a simple plan. Although in the long term, the American workers are the real losers. If the 2012 election cycle continues to support or re-elect these guys, then it's our fault, our demise created by our own stupidity. If you can't see it or don't understand that one man can't solve our Nation's huge problems, it's our problem, because your vote does count.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


These republicans are not Reagan's kind. These republicans are disrespectful, arrogant, snarky and down right committed to winning at any cost-even at the expense of our Nation's credit rating. I've never witnessed such audacity and such abbhorrant spin speech and outright lies coming from politicians who constantly talk about faith and patriotism. Reagan would be embarrased and ashamed of these guys and wouldn't want to shake hands with any of them. As a matter of fact he would call out their constant lying and "tricky dick" tactics on any media premise he could get to listen to him. And, I'm very sure he would let Nancy bitch slap Ann Coulter and even Limbaugh. It's time Democrats fight back and stop trying to please these morons.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Just wondering if the new elected President will be vilified like President Obama has been. He's been called a foreigner, non-citizen, religious outsider, Muslim, Hitleresque, liar, dove, my favorite "community organizer", oh, and also "Black", communist, and a golfer. In all my years of studying politics, I have never witnessed such disrespect for the office of President. I'm  looking for more adjectives, if you can help; tweet  back @jontucci5 and let's see what we can remember Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck have called our duly elected by the people President.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gretchen Carlson; Blond bimbo with a Stanford degree

Stanford is one of our great universities, but to let Gretchen Carlson graduate "cum laude" must of have been a low point in their history. I don't know who she was shagging, but it was the right guy. You only need to listen to her on the couch potato scene on Fox morning show to understand what I mean. Her interviews are shout downs with GOP talking points being fed through her veins at a rapid pace. She clearly received her promotions through her looks, yet not my cup of tea, and only survives for the skirts up to her navel she wears on the show. Fox has a lot of these "former beauty" queens on staff. Oh, I do like to watch flippin' channels to see who's showing the most skin on Fox like all the other guys. But, to think that she really understands economics, or politics is like saying you know why the chicken crossed the road.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

President Obama I wrote your speech

Dear President Obama:  Hello my fellow Americans. I want to speak to you directly and without remorse. We as a Nation have become awkwardly dissident and divisive because of left or right ideologues purposefully spinning talking points to benefit re-election, and major donor causes. It's time we looked deep in our souls and become a Nation again of forward thinking people, who will solve intense problems that have formed a cancer on our people. The office of President has  been excoriated, lied about, abused, and downright disrespected long enough. I want my friends from the right and the left to understand that I am drawing a line in the sand, and I will not accept nor endorse any more lies, untruths and falsehoods about our administration. We have been in the hole for over a decade because of reckless financial advice that benefited a few and hurt the many. Americans who didn't deserve it. I ask you now to reconsider what is important, what is fair, and what is our main goal, but to help our people have good jobs and maintain life in general as in the American dream. Therefore I am asking both houses to stand and deliver whatever  funding we can to create jobs in America and I am putting corporate and wall street executives on notice, the good times, or more like the cash cows you have resided over are in fact over. We will no longer stand on the sidelines and let billions of taxpayers dollars be syphoned out of our country.  Be forewarned, we are coming and we will not be hindered in our new endeavors. God bless you all and God bless America.

President Obama needs a new staff

President Obama needs a new staff. It's time to fire the amateurs and get a serious (pro Democratic) team. The GOP is on a manhunt to destroy his election and are not wearing gloves. Obama can give a great  speech but he needs better background help. Politics in Washington is not for the light hearted but, rather a grueling boxing match under the parking garage. Street fighters would do, or maybe hells angels. Stop the sweet talk and get serious. Our great Nation and its people are looking for tough talk and results. Its time to deliver.

Rebels will capture Gaddafi by end of next week

Libyan Rebels have found Gaddafi's hiding place and will capture the colonel by the end of next week. That will solidify the 9/11 remembrance and rise of terrorist mentality. The Rebels need now to begin reconstruction and the building of a democratic government. It should be noted that they must find the billions of dollars he stole from the people and gather it for the sake of solvency of their new government.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

President Obama needs to man up now!

You remembers the bullies in school. Walking the halls and tripping the geeks or girls who didn't fit in. Well, the republican party has morphed into bullies and big shots, who fire up rhetoric for their base and make up facts and figures for their political points. President Obama has tried to run the "partisan" game, but  to no avail.
Its time he gets tough and pushes the buttons for his administration's agenda. No mealy mouse speeches and trying to please everybody. Washington has become a house of whores who would sell their mothers to get re-elected.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cheney is not your sweet ole grandpa

“Cheney is not your sweet "ole' grandpa". This guy was a career politician who dangled W on a stick. They lied and manipulate­d intel and trashed the constituti­on. Now, repubs defend him like he's some kind of elder statesman. Pathetic and sad and a stain on our history.”