Sunday, September 4, 2011

President Obama I wrote your speech

Dear President Obama:  Hello my fellow Americans. I want to speak to you directly and without remorse. We as a Nation have become awkwardly dissident and divisive because of left or right ideologues purposefully spinning talking points to benefit re-election, and major donor causes. It's time we looked deep in our souls and become a Nation again of forward thinking people, who will solve intense problems that have formed a cancer on our people. The office of President has  been excoriated, lied about, abused, and downright disrespected long enough. I want my friends from the right and the left to understand that I am drawing a line in the sand, and I will not accept nor endorse any more lies, untruths and falsehoods about our administration. We have been in the hole for over a decade because of reckless financial advice that benefited a few and hurt the many. Americans who didn't deserve it. I ask you now to reconsider what is important, what is fair, and what is our main goal, but to help our people have good jobs and maintain life in general as in the American dream. Therefore I am asking both houses to stand and deliver whatever  funding we can to create jobs in America and I am putting corporate and wall street executives on notice, the good times, or more like the cash cows you have resided over are in fact over. We will no longer stand on the sidelines and let billions of taxpayers dollars be syphoned out of our country.  Be forewarned, we are coming and we will not be hindered in our new endeavors. God bless you all and God bless America.

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