Sunday, October 30, 2011

GOP Congress polling numbers seriously low; read "How to compromise for dummies"

This GOP Congress polling numbers are lower than the White House, lawyers, insurance companies and bankers; that's so low that it can't be sustained. It seems that they (GOP) don't care or are living in "lala" land. The American voter will vote them out in 2012 wholeheartedly. I hear some lobby jobs are open at Koch Industries; just trying to help. I don't know if there are cliff notes on "How to compromise for dummies" but I should write one. In our 200+ history even great enemies learned to make a deal. This outfit is so focused (in a delusional psychotic dream) that they "must make Obama a one-term President; they have become irrelevant.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


"THE PEOPLE" have lost any semblance of representation over the last 5 decades from what our independence movement struggled for. We have become a society of greed and power and to hell with the rest. Our household debt to GDP became a drunken addict mess since World War II. National wage scales came to a screeching halt and we have no leadership from either party. The Republicans want to kiss ass with Wall Street and the Democrats have no balls. What's real America to do; sit down and talk it out (OWS), demand a new found respect; and it seems that it has grown to a global expression which is a good thing. It will change the way our politicians think and maybe, just maybe put the message in the right hands. Its not liberal versus conservative, its the people rising up against those that took advantage of a long sleeping giant that stole the money bag. Hopefully we will learn quickly and decisively and make corrections that make us a better Nation.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dysfunctional Dating. Did GOP Waste Time Lusting for Christie

It has been referred to as "Dysfunctional Dating". That is the lust by the GOP for Governor Christie to run for the office of President of the United States. Not only did the GOP waste valuable time, they hurt themselves in their quest to make Barack Obama a "one term President". Now, they are at a crossroads with allowing infighting bred by Evangelical voters anger about Mitt Romney being a Mormon. They have several heads bobbing for attention as they look for anybody else except Mitt Romney. All in all a panic mode has been created. The latest WSJ poll has Herman Cain in the lead this week showing the disrespect for Romney. The only candidate who remains constant is Barack Obama.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Americans are in a shopping cart line

Americans are frustrated and tired. They feel like they are in a shopping cart line a mile long and no items have a price tag on them. They want to buy products, they need products; they'd like to buy American made products, but we know that's impossible; nothing made here anymore. What's the answer? Not what we hear on the pundit shows on any media outlet. It's his fault, it's their fault. Listen guys, we don't give a "damn" who's fault it is, just "fix" the fucking problem. Let's make some decision that are sensible and reasonable. Economic fairness will never please both sides, but it would please the voters. We are desperately asking for attention and not receiving any from "anyone".

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Cheneys- "We just hate Obama"

Former VP Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz were on CNN "Candy Crowley" this morning. It's apparent to any blind and deaf person that they "hate Obama". Cheney will go to his death bed believing that Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction, and Liz; dear Liz, continues to say that Obama needs to apologize to the American people for his speech and apologies over the "enhanced interrogation techniques" (torture) according to the dictionary. Sometimes you just have to give up, and the Cheney's need to move on. This President has not let up on the gas pedal for killing terrorists, and in fact has killed more in his 3 years than Bush did in 8. It's surprising that you can harp on a subject for years to be relevant and sell books, but it's disheartening that the American public still cares.