Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Cheneys- "We just hate Obama"

Former VP Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz were on CNN "Candy Crowley" this morning. It's apparent to any blind and deaf person that they "hate Obama". Cheney will go to his death bed believing that Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction, and Liz; dear Liz, continues to say that Obama needs to apologize to the American people for his speech and apologies over the "enhanced interrogation techniques" (torture) according to the dictionary. Sometimes you just have to give up, and the Cheney's need to move on. This President has not let up on the gas pedal for killing terrorists, and in fact has killed more in his 3 years than Bush did in 8. It's surprising that you can harp on a subject for years to be relevant and sell books, but it's disheartening that the American public still cares.

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