Saturday, October 15, 2011


"THE PEOPLE" have lost any semblance of representation over the last 5 decades from what our independence movement struggled for. We have become a society of greed and power and to hell with the rest. Our household debt to GDP became a drunken addict mess since World War II. National wage scales came to a screeching halt and we have no leadership from either party. The Republicans want to kiss ass with Wall Street and the Democrats have no balls. What's real America to do; sit down and talk it out (OWS), demand a new found respect; and it seems that it has grown to a global expression which is a good thing. It will change the way our politicians think and maybe, just maybe put the message in the right hands. Its not liberal versus conservative, its the people rising up against those that took advantage of a long sleeping giant that stole the money bag. Hopefully we will learn quickly and decisively and make corrections that make us a better Nation.

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